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Installing iTunes 7.7 Also Installs MobileMe Control Panel Applet On Windows Machines Without Your Permission….. WTF?


Didn’t Apple learn anything the last time they tried something like this?

I installed iTunes 7.7 on my Windows box at work a week ago. But today I noticed this in Control Panel:

It seems that iTunes 7.7 has steath installed a control panel applet for MobileMe. Open it and this is what you get:

Apparently, Apple wants to jack up its user base for MobileMe by installing it onto Windows machines without telling them first and hope they’ll sign up for a 60 day trial. At least when they tried that stunt with Safari they warned people that they were going to do that and the Apple Software Update application gave you the option of not installing it (which most people didn’t notice which is how Safari’s marketshare jumped shortly thereafter). This time they didn’t give you that option nor do that tell you that they are installing a MobileMe control panel.

Needless to say I was not impressed. I wonder how Apple justifies this.

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