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How The CRTC Spends Canadian Taxpayer Money 101: They Approve A Canadian Porn Channel


Okay. I usually don’t post stuff like this, but this is too dumb to ignore.

The CRTC has just approved a license for a company called “Northern Peaks” (which will be run by a company called “Real Productions” (the link isn’t even remotely suitable for work by the way)) who has pledged to have a 24 hour porn channel with 50% Canadian content. Here’s where it gets stupid:

As for the 50% Canadian content, I guess that if you take the content that Real Productions make and add in all the porn that are produced by people like these (this link is also NSFW), I guess you can get to 50%. Someone who watches a lot of “Canadian” porn will have to tell me if I’m on the mark or not.

I really don’t understand why the CRTC has spent from 2007 to now looking at this. I also don’t understand why the license has these stipulations. This really just seems like a supreme waste of taxpayers money to come up with this stuff. It makes you wonder what they’ll come up with when it comes to real issues like net neutrality.

Okay. Now that I’ve got that off my chest I feel much better. Now back to my usual technology related ranting.

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