Apple Recalls iPhone 3G Power Adpaters…. Lawsuits Can’t Be Far Behind…

Apple has announced that the power adapters sold with the iPhone 3G in Japan, US, and Canada, Mexico, and some parts of South America are being recalled. The word is that the prongs on that power adapter can break off and remain inside your wall socket.

How do you tell if you’ve got a power adapter that needs to be replaced? Look for a green dot on the adapter. If you don’t see one, you need to get that adapter replaced.

So, how much do you want to bet that a lawsuit gets filed over this?

One Response to “Apple Recalls iPhone 3G Power Adpaters…. Lawsuits Can’t Be Far Behind…”

  1. Possible, though I’d be a tough case to win. Defects that don’t cause damage or injury where the manufacturer also supplies an exchange at no cost would be a tough one to bring to court.

    If the 3G users are anything like the older iPod users (which once came with a 110v plugin charger) this extra charger will very rarely have the plastic removed.

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