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Have You Used MacKeeper? Your Personal Info May Be In The Wild…


MacKeeper is a product that I loathe. It does nothing of any value that you can’t do using other products to secure and keep your Mac healthy. In fact Zeobit, the original owner of MacKeeper, sold MacKeeper to a company named Kromtech in 2013 to make a class action lawsuit that revolved around its lack of value go away. Even now the company uses aggressive use of intrusive pop-up ads to get you to buy it.

Now things have gotten worse for MacKeeper users.

Kromtech, which makes the software, acknowledged Monday that a hole in its security exposed the usernames, email addresses and other personal information for 13 million customers. The company said it “fixed this error within hours” of its discovery by security researcher Chris Vickery, who first published information about the breach Sunday evening on Reddit.

Lovely. A company who makes security software for the Mac can’t keep itself secure. That sure inspires confidence. While it sucks that 13 million users have their personal info out in the wild, I truly hope that this event is the final nail in MacKeeper’s coffin as this is a product that should no longer exist.

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