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So Zuckerberg’s Testimony Is Over… Here’s What Happened


Day two of Mark Zuckerberg’s trip to Washington to answer questions in front of Congress is done. First of all, it turns out that Zuckerberg needed a booster seat when he testified yesterday:

For the record, Zuckerberg is 5′ 7″. The booster seat was not present today.

Now back to the real issues. Zuckerberg got is butt kicked by Congress because I predicted earlier today, they’re far more tech savvy than the senate. Here are the key takeaways:

So, how did Zuckerberg do? I think he faced a far tougher test today. He stuck to his script, some of which leaked:

Total #EpicFail. Zuckerberg can’t secure his own notes. How can he possibly secure our data?

In any case, I don’t think he did nearly as well despite sticking to his notes, as his testimony was awkward at times. While I didn’t think he hurt Facebook. But he didn’t help his cause by how he performed today. I don’t think he did enough to stop bad things from happening to Facebook. What those bad things are, I have no idea.

Oh yeah, I think that Zuckerberg’s trip to Washington won’t stop people from joining team #DeleteFacebook either.

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