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Windows 10 April 2018 Update Coming In….. May 2018?


Well, this is embarrassing if you’re Microsoft. Assuming that what Neowin found is true of course:

According to a tweet posted earlier, in what is claimed to be an internal memo from a Chinese retail vendor, it shows that the Windows 10 April Update will start rolling out on May 9, which falls on a Wednesday in mainland China. It’s important to note that due to the time difference, it’ll still be Tuesday May 8 in the United States, so the rollout could start then, while it will be May 9 in China.

So does that mean that the April 2018 update is going to be called the May 2018 update?

There’s evidence that supports this in the form of an early build of Redstone 5 (the April 2018 update was Redstone 4) is appearing for members of Microsoft’s “Skip Ahead” beta test program. Thus that implies that development on the April 2018 update is done and dusted. Which means it’s ready to ship. But that can take a couple of weeks which makes a May ship date for the April update plausible. Sort of. Assuming that this is true of course.


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