BSA Global Survey Finds Use Of Unlicensed Software Costs Canadian Businesses $819 Million In 2017

BSA | The Software Alliance has just released its bi-annual survey, ‘2018 Global Software Survey: Software Management: Security Imperative, Business Opportunity,’ to determine the volume and value of unlicensed software installed on personal computers across more than 110 national and regional economies and analyze the implications software compliance has on businesses worldwide.

  • Canada: The report reveals that despite Canada’s rate of illegal software use (22 per cent) being lower than the global average of 37 per cent, the country’s commercial value accrued to $819 million dollars in 2017.
  • North America: Of the six regions surveyed globally, North America’s average rate of unlicensed software use at 16 per cent, is more than 40 per cent lower than the highest rate at 57 per cent. However, due to its size, North America still constitutes a significant commercial value of $9.5 billion.

The study explores how improving software compliance and implementing software asset management (SAM) programs across organizations decreases the staggering commercial value of unlicensed software, minimizes debilitating cyber-risks, improves productivity and drives overall growth.

Key findings from the report include:

  • Unlicensed software leaves businesses vulnerable to costly and time-consuming malware infections: Each malware attack can cost a company more than $10,000 per infected computer or an average of $2.4 million per attack and can take up to 50 days to resolve.
  • Unlicensed software use is experiencing a modest decline: From 2015 to 2017, the worldwide unlicensed software rate declined 2 percentage points from 39 per cent to 37 per cent and the commercial value of unlicensed software dropped 8 per cent in constant currency to $46.3 billion globally.
  • Establishing adequate SAM systems boosts bottom-lines: Organizations taking proactive steps are finding that a 20 per cent increase in software compliance can improve a company’s profits by 11 percent — a boost of more than half a million dollars for the average-sized company in the survey.

You can view the complete report here. Business should take the time to read this and take action to ensure that their software asset management is completely on the the level.

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