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Facebook Says That It Has Access To Apple’s Enterprise Certificates Again… But You Should Still #DeleteFacebook


I am sure that there was a very difficult conversation that that happened before Facebook got access to enterprise certificates again. The ones that Apple took away from them for abusing them. And as a side effect they made Facebook employees “pissed” and “angry” in the process. But in a statement to Mike Isaac of The New York Times, a Facebook spokesperson said that the company is “in the process” of making its internal apps functional. The company also confirmed that losing access to enterprise certificates did not have any effect on consumer-facing services:

We have had our Enterprise Certification, which enables our internal employee applications, restored. We are in the process of getting our internal apps up and running. To be clear, this didn’t have an impact on our consumer-facing services.

I must admit that I am disappointed by this development. I say that because Facebook are the bad boys of the Internet. They’ve always broke rules and then begged forgiveness. That’s not cool for Uber and it shouldn’t be cool for Facebook. If I were Tim Cook, I would have banned every single Facebook app from the App Store just to send a message that this isn’t cool. But they didn’t do that and here we are talking about it because you know that there will be a next time as I guarantee that this company has learned nothing from this experience. And if one company needs to learn a lesson, it’s Facebook.

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