QuickBooks Offers Up New Research & Tips for Mother Entrepreneurs

Our family networks can play such a vital role in helping drive our success. With Mother’s Day around the corner, wanted to reach out with a story opp focused on the role mothers play in driving forward the Canadian economy.

This year and just in time for Mother’s Day, QuickBooks commissioned a study that unpacks just how instrumental a role mothers are playing within the small business ecosystem – both as advisors and as owners.

Whether it be sacrificing family time, or postponing celebrations, key findings showed:

  • Moms are missing out. 32 per cent are missing or neglecting family time due to work commitments.
  • Held back from scaling up. 29 per cent say that family commitments have led to missing or neglecting business opportunities
  • Putting family on hold. 1/4 women say that work commitments have delayed their starting a family.
  • No time for oneself. 36 per cent of women list not being able to take enough time for themselves between balancing business and family commitments.

Interestingly, the study also found that Mother’s Day isn’t always the celebration it was set out to be, with 20 per cent of survey respondents feel more stressed on Mother’s Day than a usual Sunday, and 18 per cent postponing celebrations to focus on work.

QuickBooks has a very good blog post that you can read on this topic: https://quickbooks.intuit.com/ca/resources/uncategorized/how-to-prevent-burnout-new-research-and-tips-for-mother-entrepreneurs/ 

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