Over 400 Million Malware Infections Detected In The Last 30 Days: Atlas VPN

Data compiled by Atlas VPN shows that in April there have been over 400 million detected malware infections, which makes over 10 million cases per day. This month, the educational field experienced the largest number of malware attacks.

In April, the number of global infections worldwide was fluctuating from 10 million to 16 million daily cases, reaching the lowest point on April 5 and the highest on April 16.

This month, the Central Asia region suffered from the largest number of local attacks, according to Kaspersky antivirus.  At least 32% of devices in Tajikistan were exposed to malware, followed by Uzbekistan, with 31%. In China, Kaspersky detected malware in nearly 27% of the devices that use their software. 

In April, Microsoft detected 6.5 million malware infections in different industries. Education was the main target – 64% of the attacks were pointed at this particular sector. With 9% of the malware infections, business and professional services was the second most-attacked industry.

The full research analyzes the rest of the malware infection numbers throughout April and lists the regions and industries that were targeted the most.

To read the full article, head to: https://atlasvpn.com/blog/nearly-404-million-malware-infections-detected-in-last-30-days-more-than-10-million-daily/ 

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