Cutting Edge 3D Via Verold Studio Is Here

If you haven’t heard of Verold Studio, you’re going to if you’re into making 3D content. They sent me a press release that got my attention. For starters, here’s what Verold Studio can do for artists:

The new Verold Studio has addressed three significant challenges faced by 3D artists that have held back the development of 3D animation and content:

  • Lack of a third dimension on the web: seeing pictures of Michelangelo’s David is much different than seeing David as Michelangelo intended it to be seen. The same is true for 3D CG Art.
  • Artists want to learn from each other: Until now artists have not been able to showcase their work as it was intended, receive feedback and be able to collaborate to enhance their designs.
  • Lack of tools that support 3D on the web: It is a painfully dull and long process to prepare 3D art for the web, or games. Verold’s QRemesher, launching soon with Pixologic, will allow artists to quickly get their models ready for the web.

The Verold Studio tackles all of these problems head on and paves the way for anyone in the world to design and collaborate in 3D.

Sounds like a winner to me if you create 3D content. Video game producers for one will love this for sure. The app was demoed last week and a link to a video which shows what this app can do is here. Keep an eye on Verold. This is a Canadian company that’s going to be going places.

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