Archive for TimeHop

Facebook Add On TimeHop Has Been Pwned By Hackers…. But They Are Handling The Pwnage Better Than Most

Posted in Commentary with tags , on July 9, 2018 by itnerd

First the bad news. TimeHop has reported it has had a breach affecting its entire user base of 21 million users worldwide. The “security incident” happened on July 4th when they had a “network intrusion”  which was interrupted by internal security teams. Which is good. But clearly it was not interrupted quick enough which is bad.

Here’s the good news. The statement that they put out regarding this is the best one that I’ve seen. They go into a great amount of detail about what happened, what the company is doing about it, and what’s the go forward plan. On top of that, they also even have a glossary to explain terms that users might not be familiar with. I’m very impressed by this and other companies should use this as a template for how to communicate about a “security incident” like this because this is straight from the top shelf.

So, if you’re a user of this add on, I’d go to the statement that I linked to and see what you have to do to protect yourself. Like I said, it’s very clear and well written and you should have no issue following their directions.