Archive for Fox News

Fox News Creates #OverIt2014 Hashtag And Encourages Viewers To Use It To Tweet…. #Fail

Posted in Commentary with tags , on January 2, 2015 by itnerd

The danger with a company asking for audience participation via social media is that they may get more than they bargained for. Take Fox News for example. They via the show “Fox and Friends” created a hashtag called “#OverIt2014” and asked its viewers to Tweet what they were over using that hashtag.

Let’s just say it ended badly for Fox. Here’s some examples of what they got:

Well, that was an epic fail. I’m guessing that Fox News is going to think twice about ever doing something like that again. For that, they may want to take some advice from Rogers who had a similar social media fail a few years ago. However, they had a pretty decent recovery from it. Fox might learn something from their experience.